Thursday, August 16, 2007

Law school tips

This is aimed at Ole Miss Law, but some of it will apply to any school.

The 1st thing you need to understand - law school is not like college. It is a job. You will spend more time studying than you ever have. Your reading assignments will be posted on the boards about now. Go get them and Begin reading and making case briefs as you go.

Your 1st day of class will not be a "hi, my name is Professor Bradley, this is what we Will cover in the class, see you next time. You will fill out a seating chart and class will begin. Expect to answer questions and explain why you think that is right. It is not fun, but it is not as brutal as you may have heard. Expect an ever shifting fact pattern - it is designed to make you consider how the postion you just took may not be the right postion is just one of the facts changes ever so slightly.

Let me repeat this - school will be your job in the 1st semester. You need to understand that and your significant other needs to understand that. This school will put strain on your relationship. If significant other is in law school then they are now also competition and if they are not in law school they will not understand the difference between law school and college.

Also, it is only school - do not become so wrapped up in the crap that is law school that you forget to be a person, to have fun and socialize AWAY from classmates. Lawyers and law students tend to be boring and just talk about the "big case" or a certain class. Away from work I only socialize with two lawyers - one is a fishing buddy and the other is a college football fanatic. We do not talk about or cases.

If anyone still reading this, if you have questions about Ole Miss and certain profs, email me and I will do my best to answer them.

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